School view

Mitchell Girls High School
1902 - 1990

Mitchell Girls High School closed in 1990.

School Badge

Under Construction!
This is a separate - and new site - dedicated to old Mitchell High girls.
Please be patient with construction!

While you are waiting, please visit these Mitchell Girls High School links (I found them, but cannot vouch for them):

  • Mitchell High School Facebook page. You will be required to log in to your Facebook© account to view content. You may also be required to request permission to join the group. This link has the most information and links for Mitchell-philes!
  • Mitchell High School Old Girls Durban S. Africa Facebook page. You will be required to log in to your Facebook© account to view content. You may also be required to request permission to join the group.
  • Mitchell High School, Durban, South Africa Group Facebook page. You will be required to log in to your Facebook© account to view content. You may also be required to request permission to join the group.

	Copyright©  2015 Mitchell Girls High School

Last modified: July 29, 2015